Entering THE fintech space in London, Level39
In March I had the chance to join a hackathon at Level39, Canary Wharf in London. My friend and I have been invited by Simon Redfern of the OpenBankProject. They already had participated in the FinTech Innovation Lab program there. The hackathon was called “Hack (Make!) The Bank”. Several API providers quickly pitched their services and we, of course, picked the OpenBankProject API.
Our goals were:
- Connect to the OpenBankProject Server with OAuth
- Receive data like bank accounts, transactions and meta information
- Import that data to an existing account in the app
- Implement a feature like a ‘Money Journey’ to see where you spent your money recently
- Give the user the opportunity to upload photos for enriching transactional data
- Level39 – Europe’s largest accelerator space for finance and retail technology startups
- OpenBankProject – Bank as a platform. Transparency as an asset.